
Forensic audit unearths offshore bank accounts and possible fraud at Sri Lanka Cricket – report

The forensic audit performed on the financial transactions at Sri Lanka Cricket reveals that the SLC had maintained 15 bank accounts. Four of the 15 accounts were maintained by 2 private banking institutions, while the relevant authorities failed to ascertain when these accounts were opened and for what purpose. Of the 15 accounts, three savings accounts maintained by three private banking institutions and two current accounts are currently dormant.

Though a request was made from SLC President Shammi de Silva on March 12th, 2019, to provide information regarding direct transactions of the respective bank accounts, the SLC had failed to submit information regarding 4 bank accounts for the forensic audit.

As per the audit observations, following an analysis of the email system at the institution, SLC authorities had also maintained accounts in foreign banking institutions.

The report includes details of an attempt to transfer to another account the second instalment due to SLC for the broadcasting rights of Sri Lanka’s tour of South Africa, which was a sum of US$ 436,541.

The email sent by the chief financial officer of SLC on July 4th at 9.42 a.m. to Sandeep Patel of SONY, with a copy mailed to the CEO of SLC Ashley de Silva directed the company to transfer the funds to the Bank account of SLC.

However, the email sent by the chief financial officer of SLC 8 days later, that is on July 12th at 9.16 a.m. to Sandeep Patel of SONY, with a copy mailed to the CEO of SLC Ashley de Silva directed the same company to transfer the funds to a Wells Fargo bank account.

The audit report further states that SLC officials had failed to provide the account numbers of the respective bank.

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  1. The crooks Shammi & Ashley need to be put behind bars. But strangely very few websites are posting any information about this massive fraud. The kudu minister please take note without interfering in the running of SLC. I have had the good fortune of being closely associated with many of the cricketing personalities and know some of them for the gentlemen that they are. But the administration is so corrupt that the teams do not have a strong base to perform within. The boys are brimming with talent but the Administration has to be banished for the love of the game.