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  • Graham Ford, Excellent coach
    Graham Ford, Excellent coach but he was removed because we weren’t winning

    Nic Pothas, OK coach but was removed because we weren’t winning

    Hathurusinghe, Excellent coach, again some asking for his removal

    It doesn’t make sense. If we can see something here, its that removing “a” coach (if he’s half decent) isn’t going to change anything. as we have already done that not just once but multiple times giving us the same result.

    Changing Players is not the way as well, We have already done that too. Remember what Sanath was criticized for? Yeah, he played “over 40 players”. We learned that we have to select a group of players and back them. Upul is already in the radar of coach and selectors, that’s why he is in the final 15. We have to remember only 11 players can play the game.

    Players get dropped all the time, Angelo got dropped, I have been a fan of Angelo since he started playing for Sri Lanka, But I also think he needed a break, and he’s not the best captain. Upul doesn’t get the chances of Mendis because Upul has been around for more than 10+ years. Although he has played some magnificent innings, he’s not doing the job a senior, experienced player should be doing.

    “Even though we hate seeing Mendis Open and seeing Mendis gets picked every game only to get out for a duck or 5 runs, We get what the coach is trying to do, Sometimes we have to believe in the youngster, Invest in him now and hope he delivers in the future, of course, a gamble, but we have to back a talented player”

    I feel this is something personal for both of you, or just not open-minded. Either way, I wrote this for others like you to see this in a different angle, not just with negativity.

  • I don’t know about Sanath,
    I don’t know about Sanath, but saying things like this to Aravinda hurts my heart. I hope you’re a kid or a teenager and not a grown adult.

    Aravinda was involved in SLC about a year ago. He even said in an interview that the money he received from SLC for working with them, he returned it. He did for the love of the game. He was asked to join SLC by the current Sports minister as well. If he wants money or want to travel with the team why don’t he join? He is a businessman, he doesn’t need a job from SLC to survive. Comments like from the people above me is just pathetic.

    I know this isn’t a good time to be a fan of SL right now, and people just want to blame, but this is just immature, uneducated and just plain stupid.

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