
Unprofessionalism comes to haunt SLC

The fact that Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) administrators lack professionalism has been quite clear for an extended period of time.

The Sports Minister appointed a Technical and Advisory Committee comprising several past player’s which was perceived to be an oversight committee to bridge the shortcomings in administrative functions. However, this too appears to have done nothing to restore the credibility of the institution.

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  1. Why does the SLC appoint Head Coaches through social media? Recently Island headline was Farbrace had been appointed as the team coach & travelling with the team to India.The board does not seem even to have spoken to those coaches at the time.It is a shame to the country when these people turn down the offers. Ashley Silva looks a real incompetent person. The news that Aravinda who seems to have joined with Naveed Nawaz in a venture in UAE trying to appoint him as the head coah is disappointing.Is that scratching my back & I do yours?Isn’t that a slur on Avishka Gunawardene who is already in our system? He may lack experience but so does Nawaz. Isn’t Mahanama the best local choice?