JVP Parliamentarian Bimal Rathnayake yesterday (23) queried in Parliament as to how ethical it was to appoint UPFA MP Thilanga Sumathipala, who is the Former Chairman of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC), to the Committee of Public Enterprises (COPE), when COPE was conducting an inquiry into SLC’s conduct.
Rathnayake made this query when Deputy Speaker, Ananda Kumarasiri announced that Sumathipala has been appointed as a member of COPE according to Standing Orders.
This appointment was made to fill the vacancy following the demise of MP Chandrasiri Gajadheera.
What a big joke, mp don’t have a backbone to object, it’s gonna be very interesting what the COPE chatmans does .it could be the end of cricket imquiey a big sad song
Are we just plain stupid and how shameless can this man be? Seriously? After running cricket all these years he shamelessly want to sit on the committee probing it, never mind the morons who appointed him. There can no more better example to highlight the politician inability to do the right thing.
Is this even legal? We are going to get kicked out of the ICC if we keep doing things like this.
Sri Lanka should get kicked out of the ICC for this continuously appalling and mind boggling behaviour. It’s just soo ridiculous you cannot make this shit up. This guy is literally a fart stinking things up forever – he won’t just go away.
Where is Sri Lanka heading? What is happening to Sri Lanka? It is seriously concerning. Thilanga Sumathipala’s appointment is no different to Rauf Hakeem’s appointment. It’s not them who should get the blame, it’s the person[S] who appointed them to such committees. Can Sei Lankans expect impartial unbiased objective and independent outcome???