Initially, this two-format tournament, consisting of four day matches also, formally called as Provincial Tournament, was all set to go with the provincial names decided for the five main teams. However, in a big change, Sri Lanka Cricket along with the tournament committee, after reconsidering decided to rename following suit of the Lanka Premier League (LPL) title styles.
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New-look National Super League: tournament to follow LPL style team names
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Well done SLC, this is much needed: 4 day cricket is a must as is playing games on proper surfaces such as the test venues and of course, quality cricket with a fewer teams. The challenge here is how will this last as we have had similar attempts at this same before but they have come undone mainly due to the 147 clubs lobbying enough with the SLC office bearers to ensure the ‘super league’ framework’ fails. I think an interesting addition would be to make super league the basis for national selection.