
Many foreign applicants for Sri Lanka Cricket’s vacant head coach post

Many foreign applicants for Sri Lanka Cricket’s vacant head coach post

Quite a number of foreign coaches, along with local coaches, have applied for the job of Head Coach of the Sri Lanka cricket team after Sri Lanka Cricket closed the applications on 14 December.

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) CEO Ashley de Silva said that a lot of foreign coaches from Australia, England, South Africa and all over, as well as locals, have applied for the post left vacant by the departure of Mickey Arthur, who quit the job on the completion of his two-year contract with SLC in the first week of December to take up a new position with English county Derbyshire. “We have shared the summarised applicants with the Technical and Advisory Committee and are in the process of short listing it now,” said de Silva.

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  1. So here we ago again and thankfully a term of the SL head coach has ended and no one is in court!! This begs the question did Mickey do a good job or did he fail? Is Mickey (or SL coach) the main problem or is it SLC not having the maintained a suitable environment for talent to blossom at international level?

    The point here being, what exactly do we want from our coach? Do we know what we want from our Coach or do we pick one from the applicants for the position of coach – these sound the same but are actually very different propositions.

    We are a young team that requires an experienced coach who can instill some of the basics of the game including building a positive culture and competing at the highest level. This cannot be done with individual egos and basic fitness getting in the way. I think SLC are already addressing some of the ‘ego and fitness’ issues which some of don’t like but it much needed. So for me, we need an experienced person who can mold a group of youngst