
The Art of Commentating 

The Art of Commentating

By: Shazeen Ifamy

Commentary plays an important part in cricket, particularly when streamed on television. I personally believe that watching cricket without commentary will be boring unless watched in the stadium. However, there is a said art to commentating as it’s not always the same. 

With that said, let’s look into a statement I heard during an IPL match, Harsha Bhogle said to Ian Bishop the following “Oh Bis, you are so analytically driven but fan polls are so emotionally driven” (I’m recalling this from memory hence I might not be 100% right in terms of Harsha exact words). Well, Harsha was absolutely correct with his statement as T20 cricket is emotionally driven.

However, don’t take anything away from Ian Bishop as he is, of course, a great commentator but his commenting style is, in fact, analytical as Harsha said hence I do find his commentary a bit boring when it comes to T20, however, I can listen to his test commentary over and over.

As a result, when cricket moves from format to format, the style of commentating should and does change as well. Commentating in test cricket should be analytical but ODI and T20 commentary should be on the moment and emotionally driven. 

So, what do you think? Do you agree with me that commentating style should change as the format changes? 

On another note, who is your favorite commentator to listen to in each format of cricket? And who is the one you love to listen to regardless of the format (if there is one)?

Comment all your answers below or let me know on Twitter at @sicrickettalks


V, M. A. H. A. D. E. V. A. N. K. (2020, September 21). IPL 2020: Commentators Get Personal Microphones To Avoid COVID Spread. Retrieved May 20, 2022, from

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